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Results for "keyword: "globalism""
World Food Day Important facts about world hunger and what you can do about it today.
Birthday of Bono (PDP) Recognizing the contributions and leadership style of the international lobbyist and rock star.
Sharing the Gift of Peace Pie A suggestion that we make pie as an appropriate gift for the anniversary of 9/11.
Remembering 9/11 by Speaking Out Against War An essay written on the first anniversary of 9/11 about the importance of speaking against America's obsession with war.
Living with Financial Insecurity Readings from teachers of the world religions and spiritual practices for coping with the worldwide financial crisis.
You Are What You Eat Counsel on the importance of justice regarding the source of your food.
We Are One A spiritual response to the Gulf oil spill in the form of an I Am prayer.
Birthday of Margaret Bourke-White A look at the world through the eyes of a gifted and courageous photographer.
Taking Stock of Your Connections How making an inventory of the objects in your home underscores your dependence and influence on others.
Trace the Journey An exercise to bring together your consideration of patriotism, nationalism, and globalism with an everyday item in your life.